Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We managed to get a lot done since the last post so I thought I would send out a quick update. Last Thursday we made the belly cast and it turned out really nicely. We can't wait to paint it, but its supposed to dry for a week before you add any decoration. We're not sure where we'll hang it yet, but I'm sure we'll post a pic when the finished product is up.

This past weekend was very busy! On Wednesday we found out that our glider and dresser had finally arrived so we decided to rent a cargo van to pick them up on Saturday. I drove Cindy to her baby sign language class and went around the corner to the rental company to pick up the keys to the van. After Cindy taught her class and attended her prenatal yoga class, she brought the van home. Then we loaded our car seats into both cars and drove over to the closest fire station to have them installed. After we finished with that task, we got back in the van and drove over to Nursery Time to pick up our furniture. Our wonderful friend Becky, baby furniture mover extraordinaire, came over to help us get the items into our nursery.

If that wasn't enough excitement for one weekend, on Sunday my good friends Kathi and Meredith came from Bloomfield and Louisville to visit and bring baby gifts. It was great catching up with them! The rest of the day was spent washing, folding, and putting away baby clothes in our long-awaited dresser. Laundry has never been so fun! :)

We had another great appointment with our amazing midwife this week. No progress on the dilation, but Cindy is now 80% effaced and the baby has dropped a bit more to the -1 station. It could be any time now...

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